*Largest, Auto Dealer Contact and Email List - Database available anywhere!
Does your business target the Auto Industry? Are Car Dealers your market? If so, you need this list! You can broadcast - bulk email the auto dealers nationwide, every day if you like! Email dealers your business advertisement to your dealers and see your sales soar!
Do you sell parts to Auto Dealers? How about tires? or Oil? Do you provide marketing services for the Auto Dealers? Direct Mail or Website Design? Do you sell Ads in the Newspaper to Auto Dealers? Work for Auto Trader or Cars.com? Are you a sales representative or general manager for Cobalt or Reynolds and Reynolds? Perhaps you are a marketing director for ADP or Auto Dealer Monthly magazine. You need this list! You need these auto dealer Email!
Can you imagine what kind of leads (sales opportunities) you could generate for your salespeople, if you had access to marketing to an entire database full of auto dealer email addresses?
We will bulk email to our Dealer Database for as low as $3900 a drop. That's more than $5000 less than our competitor. We'll design the advertisement you want emailed, or bulk email out the ad you provide. You can just sit back and watch the inquiries flood in! Not only that with every broadcast email we send out on your behalf we provide a national toll free tracking number for 30 days, with 500 free minutes included! You will know exactly how many calls were generated from your advertisement, and be able to monitor (listen) to a recording of the dealers phone call to your business. If you miss the call altogether, our toll free tracking number will capture the callers information anyway! Never miss another sales opportunity! When you take advantage of a list like this, the Automobile dealers come to you!
Don't be fooled by promise of dealer email derived from website spydering software. Those lists are not scrubbed, they contain duplicates and pick up email addresses that aren't even relevant to your business. Do you really want to be emailing your offering to the porter? I know I don't! I certainly don't want to be emailing the secretary my offerings. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty confident, she'd simply hit that delete button!
Names, Addresses, phone numbers, faxes, email addresses, etc. We've scrubbed and updated this database to offer a legitimate list, built for companies just like you and me!
85,000 + Automotive Dealer Database
Dealer Principle First Last Name Dealerships NameDealer AddressZip codeMailing RoutePhoneFaxStateCountySales VolumeMetro Area65,000+ email addresses
Car Dealer List Breakdown
Don't waste another day having your salespeople browsing the internet to get get their contacts. Don't waste another dime subscribing to a contact or lead program. Too many businesses let years go by wasting time trying to develop their own list. It takes valuable time away from sales! Too many of us spend hours researching, cold calling, and visiting Auto Dealers, only to be kept waiting for hours or worse, to be turned away altogether! Why? Why continue to market to dealers that way? We know they are busy, and if we have the good fortune to acquire an appointment with them in person, often times they simply forget about it! It's time we do what's convenient our dealers! Let them schedule the appointments! Their time is very valuable, and when they schedule the appointment with us, you can be guaranteed they will be available!!! Easily upload the Auto Dealer List to your existing CRM or Lead Management Software. Instantly email your personal letter to the auto dealer list. Immediately send out postcard mailers to your dealers with your contact info and offerings. (We do provide Direct Mail Services, at wholesale rates, if you need a mail-house) Easily upload the auto dealer phone numbers into an auto dialer or provide the list to your auto dialer company. (Don't know what that is? Give us a call toll free and we'll be happy to tell you about it. You can also read about it by searching the key words "auto dialer", on Yahoo, Google, MSN, Ask Jeeves, etc... http://www.yahoo.com/, http://www.askjeeves.com/ / http://www.msn.com/. Auto Dialers dial the numbers from an auto dealer list you provide, and leave a pre-recorded message from your company on their voicemails, or connect you instantaneously! "I would have paid $50,000 for this list 10 years ago! This list would have saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars unproductive payroll, limited marketing results, gasoline for sales representatives, and funds applied to telemarketing companies. It's time we brought the dealers to us! With today's technology, it's irresponsible not to have a Contact and Email list, regardless of what industry we market to! Having this list 10 years ago would have built my business 75% faster. If you market to the auto industry, it's an absolute necessity to include this list in your start up costs. Trying to grow your business without it will only delay your growth, cost you thousands in unnecessary marketing efforts, and cause disappointment and frustration, among cause question as to whether you should have even started your business at all! ....Roberta Long-Owner/Auto Technologies Inc.
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